Monday, August 23, 2010

Wow, it's been so long! :)

I cannot believe how long it has been since I have posted a blog! We have been extremely busy, but life can be like that I guess. lol Wow since I last posted so much has happened. Marley is 7 and will be starting 2nd grade next week. It is so hard to believe that. She is excited to start school and to see her friends soon. She is working hard on her behavior. She was recently diagnosed with "Sensory Processing Disorder." I'm happy to know that there is a reason why she behaves the way she does sometimes...but really didn't want my child to have a "label." I guess her having this label will help us to help her with treatment and therapies. Back in my mind I always thought she had some sort of sensory issue, clothing, bright lights, and touch seem to give her grief. We let her have all types of sensory activities throughout the day, play-doh, sand play, digging, moon sand, coloring and puzzles to name a few. She even ends her day with a compression massage from mommy. Lucky girl! :) Other then the Sensory Issues, she's great, and thriving well too. She still says the funniest things, and has her daddy's sense of humor. I just love her! Jack is almost 3 now, I cannot believe it. In my last post he was just beginning to walk, now he's running, talking, role playing, and riding a pedal trike. He really likes the movie Cars, I don't think I have met a little boy who doesn't! He also loves music too. Right now his band is "Big Time Rush" from Nickelodeon, a "boy band." He knows all their songs. (Marley has their CD's) His current favorite song is "Forever" by Chris Brown. He calls that song the 1-2-3-4 song. I am amazed by the most wonderful children that I have. I am truly blessed to be their mommy.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sleeping Through the Night!

JACK IS SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!!! I am so happy, and with us not feeling well right now it is a true blessing. He has been going to bed at around 8:30PM and wakes up at 5:00AM to be nursed. Still not walking yet, little turkey. We are hoping by Christmas. He takes up to three steps, falls down and laughs in hysteria. Silly guy. As for big sister Marley she's been working on her loose tooth, hoping it comes out soon. We are having to remind her that Santa's elves are she's getting into mischief. Marley mischeivous?? I swear at times I think she is still two years old. lol The things she gets into...

We all have strep =P

It all started before Thanksgiving...I had a terrible sore throat but didn't want to admit it was strep. On Friday Josh started complaining of a sore Sunday he was down for the count, literally. I couldn't believe how sick he was. I have never seen him like that. I urged him to go into the doctor. He finally did, and came home with antibiotics, but said he was negative for strep throat, but they thought he had mono or tonsillitis. I still had a sore throat and thought I should get it checked out too, so I too went to the doctor. Negative strep and mono tests but had a fever. They said I had nothing more than a virus. Tuesday afternoon they called me telling me that Josh was infact positive for strep (they sent cultures to the lab for the both of us) and I was negative. Meanwhile I was at the pediatrician's office with Marley who was sent home from school for a sore throat. She too had strep. I asked for another test for me, after begging they finally decided to swab me again with other people in the house with strep throat, and guess what, I was positive, no shock there. I just wish I was able to get on antibiotics sooner instead of waisting days sick at home. 10 days of a fever is no fun. We are all on the mend, Josh is back to work, Marley and I are still resting, eating chicken soup,drinking tea and snuggling. I just wish I could spend my vacation time with my whole family having fun! Guess that's just life. =)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Kids say the darndest things! =D

Silly girl, as always...

I laughed so hard on my way home tonight...Jack was babbling in his car seat and Marley asks, "Mommy, when is Jack going to start talking like us?" I told her, "Well, he is starting to, he says Dadda, Mamma, Kiki (for the kitty), moe (more), nah-nah (no) and hi." She said, "When he talks I think he is speaking Spanish, if he speaks spanish do we have to give him to Spanish people?" She was so sincere about it too, and acting concerned for her brother's well being. She said "Mommy I want him to talk like us so he can stay with us." I explained to Marley that mommy and daddy love both of them very much, and we would keep them no matter what language they spoke. She seemed more releived. I told her we could learn Spanish too so we could understand him. lol What a way to start the weekend. Hope yours brings you much laughter and happiness.


No such luck...

We've been up since 11:45... after tylenol, teething tablets, nursing and trying a bottle, no such luck. This mommy is sooooo tired! As Marley's baby bib said, "teething bites!" (I need to find that same bib for Jack!) Praying this teething pain will subside soon. =)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sleepless in the Skittrall house

We have not had a full night of sleep in almost a year...=) I cannot beleive my baby will be one in less then a week...Wow. Sleeping for him lateley has been an issue. We are so exhausted...Jack is having such a hard time with his teething. We are hoping these teeth break through soon so he and the rest of us in this house can get some much needed rest. Marley fell asleep at 7:15 tonight...she said she was so tired today because brother cried all last night keeping her awake. Keep your fingers crossed for restful nights ahead. G'night all!
